Better Photographs Blog

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Travel Photos - Dare to be Different


Travel photos can be much more interesting if you dare to be different.

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The Sky - Taken for granted but offering limitless photo opportunities.

Sky Arrival

The Sky can function as the main subject of the shot, play a supportive role to a dominant foreground or act as an effective counterpart element.

Continue reading "The Sky - Taken for granted but offering limitless photo opportunities."

What Is RSS?

What is RSS? Really Simple Syndication. What it means to you is that when you subscribe to a site that has an RSS feed, you can keep up-to-date without having to check the site.

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Digital Photography Tips - some of the best can be found here.

Some of the best Digital Photography Tips can be found in these websites and books.

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Photography Tutor - Practical tips to help you TAKE better photographs.

Learn how to take better photos with the photography tutor.

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Camera Focus - Controlling the Lens to your Advantage

Focus of the Lens - How to take advantage of the lens' shape for better photographs with Depth of Field.

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Photography Exposure - What it means and why it is so important.

Do your photographs always turn out just right or are they sometimes too light or too dark? Discover what exposure means and why it is so important.

Continue reading "Photography Exposure - What it means and why it is so important."

Photography Lighting - A Critical Element, though often forgotten

Photography Lighting - If there is one element that can make or break a photograph it is lighting and yet, it is often the least considered element, even if it is thought of at all.

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Photo Composition - What is in the picture and where it is

With photo composition, deciding what to include and where to place it can turn a snap shot into a better photograph.

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Photography Techniques - How to take better photographs.

Learning and understanding the basics of how to set up the camera yourself actually takes you a long way towards improving your photography techniques and therefore taking better photographs.

Continue reading "Photography Techniques - How to take better photographs."

Photo Ideas - Things to do with your Images.

Here are some photo ideas that you might like to try out with your better photographs.

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Using a New Camera - Preparing your Thoughts.

Having chosen it you are possibly about to experience one of photography's more frustrating times; having to wait before using a new camera - well until it's delivered or you receive it, maybe as a Christmas gift, anyway. NOW is the best time to prepare for getting the most out of it ...

Continue reading "Using a New Camera - Preparing your Thoughts."

Mastering Underwater Photography - The combination of two great pastimes.

There are millions of keen divers in the world but not many have mastered Underwater Photography.

Continue reading "Mastering Underwater Photography - The combination of two great pastimes."

Choosing a New Camera - Which is the Best for You.

When choosing a New Camera, it's the glass that matters most.

Continue reading "Choosing a New Camera - Which is the Best for You."

Fairground Photographs - Simple tricks on how to get stunning shots.

fairground photographs 1

Bright lights and thrilling action are ideal for creating great Fairground Photographs and family memories.

Continue reading "Fairground Photographs - Simple tricks on how to get stunning shots. "

Shadow Photos - Using the Light and the Shade


With a little thought, a shadow can play a starring role in our photographs.

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Black and White Photographs - Taking them can make you a Better Photographer.

black and white photographs 2

Black and white photographs can convey a timeless, 'classic' look that simply isn't possible with colour.

Continue reading "Black and White Photographs - Taking them can make you a Better Photographer."

The Colour Wheel - Understand it and your shots will improve instantly.

Colour Wheel 0

An understanding of the colour wheel has always been fundamental to photography. It's not surprising, given that colour is a crucial part of our world.

Continue reading "The Colour Wheel - Understand it and your shots will improve instantly."

Autumn Photographs - A challenge for your technical abilities.

Autumn - 1

Taking autumn photographs challenges your photographic abilities and encourages you to be more creative with your perspectives.

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Video Sound - Recording and Editing Video Sound.

How to ensure your HD Movie has the best possible video sound track.

Continue reading "Video Sound - Recording and Editing Video Sound."

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