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Photography Masterclass

“Learn from the Experts”

No matter how much we learn from reading books or studying videos, nothing can replace a photography masterclass where the experts give us the benefit of their years of experience.

This section of better-photographs will give you an insight to the numerous lessons learned by the masters themselves as they have risen to the very top of their specialist areas of photography.

There are a number of links within each class which will take you directly to further reading and ideas.

Street Photography Street Photography -  Every photographer at some point takes photographs of buildings, places and people in our towns and cities. But for the dedicated street photographer, a more serious, in depth approach becomes almost an obsession. Distinguished photographer Colin Howard shares some lessons he has learned with you.

Panorama Photography Masterclass
Panorama Photography Masterclass
Panorama Photography -  David Smith is a world travel and event photographer, travel writer, Blogger, keynote public speaker and cruise ship guest lecturer. Digital cameras and recent software updates make the creation of quality panorama photography images of your travels very easy.

Light Painting Photography MasterclassLight Painting Photography Masterclass - Ken Lee is an award winning photographer whose skill is evident in every picture he captures. His technical knowledge, combined with his artistic eye and his passion for the subjects he finds, produces images of great beauty and vividness.

Intimate Landscape MasterclassIntimate Landscape Masterclass - An accomplished photographer, a busy national PAGB judge and popular lecturer, Chris Palmer FRPS AFIAP DPAGB APAGB has visited more than 150 different camera clubs and has judged many regional, national and international exhibitions.

Travel Photography MasterclassTravel Photography Masterclass - Of the few photographers who could present a credible travel photography masterclass, Julian Comrie FRPS has a lifetime of experience in taking stunning pictures which is acknowledged at the highest level; including the Royal Photographic Society who have awarded him a Fellowship.

Mastering Underwater PhotographyMastering Underwater Photography - Paul Shepherd is a very experienced diving instructor and an accomplished photographer who has been recording the superb sights he sees almost every day in the seas off Zanzibar's coastline. In this masterclass he shares some of the key lessons he has learned in perfecting his photoraphic skills.

Learn Landscape Photography Masterclass
Learn Landscape Photography - assumes you have read what John Perriment covered in his Better Landscape Photography masterclass about the importance of light, particularly around dawn and sunrise, and takes it further..

Modeling Tips Photography Masterclass Modeling Tips - Steven Hooper is a successful model and actor who has been photographed by leading professional photographers and has appeared on television and on stages in the north of England. In this photography masterclass, he gives a model's insight as to what it takes for both photographer and model to get the most out of their session together.

Better Landscape Photography Masterclass Better Landscape Photography - John Perriment is an amateur photographer whose outstanding images can be compared with those of the top professionals. In this photography masterclass, he explains to us how to use light, whatever the weather, to show off the beauty of the landscapes that are around us all.

Wildlife Pictures Masterclass Wildlife Pictures - Michael Huggan ARPS is an experienced photographer who has had various pictures and articles published in a variety of magazines and photographic journals. An exhibition of his wildlife pictures has also been displayed in London where they received outstanding acclaim.

Close-up Photography Masterclass Close Up Photography - John Bebbington FRPS specialises in close-up and macro photography of flowers and insects and in landscape photography and has been leading photography courses since 1979. He also lectures on these subjects to photographic and natural history societies and branches of the Alpine Garden Society.

Landscape Photography Masterclass Reflections on Landscape Photography -
Charlie Waite is now widely revered internationally as the doyen of English landscape photographers. His distinctive style combining graphic finesse with an almost spiritual quality of calm and serenity is immediately recognisable.
Here he shares with us the thoughts that are always in his head as he “sees” an image through his viewfinder.

SuperMacro Photography Masterclass SuperMacro - John McCormack ARPS is a former dental surgeon, now dedicated to plant and garden photography.
In this photography masterclass, he explains a technique he has used to produce exceptional images of favourite subjects which can be applied to most areas of macro photography.

BBC Masterclasses BBC Masterclasses - The BBC recently completed a superb series which was full of Wildlife Photography Tips. These were published as Masterclasses across 21 of their Wildlife Magazines and they were eagerly awaited by readers who enjoyed practising the monthly lessons “in the field” and entering the competitions which accompanied each class.

Sincere thanks must go to the various contributors who have made this section possible. It is their generosity in revealing their thoughts and techniques that now enables us to improve and progress.

A masterclass will only be of use if it addresses your particular interests. Please help to develop this section by sending your particular “wants” via the request form by clicking here.

Equally, if you have developed a particular skill or technique which has been successful for you and you would like to help others by sharing your knowledge and experience, then please get in touch via the request form.

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