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Slideshow Maker

"A Tour of Venice in 90 Seconds"

"Visions of Venice" demonstrates a brand new type of slideshow maker. It signals the end of traditional slideshows and brings to life all those memories that are hidden away on your computer's hard disk.

So as not to take up too much of your time, I have produced this example using a selection of images from my recent tour of Venice. When you watch it bear in mind that I could have selected any of my images, set them to any music and shown them at any speed - faster or slower.

The service that I used has a free trial which I used to get a feel for what can be achieved. This trial allowed me to mix and remix the show as often as I wanted.

Although I was amazed at how quick and easy it was to produce such a professional video for viewing on my computer, I wanted to see if I could produce a full length show and play it on my large TV screen. I was able to do this and download two high quality files - one for playing at high quality on my PC and Digital Photo Frame and another to burn my own Smart Drive!

If you like what you see and want a free trial of this amazing service using your own photos then why not give it a go ...


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