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Featured Photographer

"Michael Huggan"

Our featured photographer is selected from our readers.

Michael has been involved with Better Photographs since it was first developed. He is generally known for his award winning wildlife photographs and he was one of the first to share his knowledge and skill with us all in his masterclass - Great Wildlife Pictures. Featured Photographer
In recent years, Michael has been turning his lenses towards one of his other passions - horses. His talent for capturing wildlife has already proven itself applicable in the equestrian world, both in the UK and overseas. Despite the obvious competition from photographers across the ocean, Michael's work has been selected for a major feature in the March issue of the US magazine - Cowboys and Indians.

Featured Photographer

More of the photographs he took during this project can be seen in the Travel Section at the Gallery of Better Photographs and on his website.

This year, Michael will be the official photographer of the Marwari horses at ‘The world comes to Windsor’ as part of the Queens Diamond Jubilee pageant.

In studying Michael's images, you would think that he was a full time professional photographer, moving in the elite circles of the chosen few. In fact, he is an engineer by profession who devotes every second he can afford to his love of photography and the adventures on which it takes him.

We are delighted to feature Michael's work and look forward to the possibility of doing the same for you. If you would like to be considered, just post one of your images on our FaceBook Page with the title - "Featured Fotos".

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