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December 2024 -
"Brushed Aside"
by John Curgenven |
caught my eye at one of the many roadside stalls in Vietnam. Whilst
still under Communist Rule, private enterprise is now encouraged and is
evident throughout this colourful country.
The original RAW file was colourful but in this case I processed it to
add more vibrancy and saturation using the Pop-Art Filter on my Olympus
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November 2024 -
"Bordeaux Miroir"
by Ron Sutton |
The water mirror of Bordeaux, is a shallow pond reflecting the Place de
la Bourse and docks of Bordeaux. In operation since 2006, it has an
area of 3450 square meters, making it one of the largest in the world.
It cycles from being a two cm deep pool, then draining so it looks like
a mirror, then sending up a fog of very fine water.
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October 2024 -
"Volcanic Peninsula"
by Chelin Miller |
month's featured image is by Chelin Miller LRPS who lives in England.
She has enjoyed taking photographs ever since she was a child, but her
interest became clearer in 2008 with her first DSLR. Over the years she
has lived in several countries; this makes her appreciate the
impermanence of places and people in a particular way and recording
through photography how her family grows is most rewarding.
She enjoys all aspects of the craft, but Travel Photography is her
passion: it encompasses all other genres. It helps her to understand
the cultural, human, and geographic aspects of a place; to become a
better observer, more aware of the detail and the general picture.
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September 2024 -
"Sunset in Sarawak"
by Peter Lee |
Lee Pui Weng ARPS lives in Sarawak Borneo, in a small town called
Sibu. He has been taking photography seriously since 2008 and
shooting sunsets is his favorite activity.
He gained his ARPS
distinction on Travel in March 2014. Peter always uses a wide angle
lens with ND or GND filters for his sunset photography and he says a
sturdy tripod and a remote shutter are a must to minimize camera shake.
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August 2024 -
"Aurora Borialis"
by Keith Pointon |
Travel and photography have been an enduring part of Keith’s life since
an early age. His first camera was a Christmas present when he was 12
years old and living in Malaya. He never looked back. He quickly
learned to develop and print his own black and white prints and has
always enjoyed the qualities of monochrome images. A former
teacher of Geography and Geology, it is not surprising, that landscapes
and travel have been the backbone of his photography. Field trips and
holidays to wide ranging places, Iceland, Antarctica, India, North
Africa and the Mediterranean are a feature in his work.
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June 2024 -
by Ron Sutton |
This beach scene was taken at Aldeburgh in Suffolk. I saw the colours
of the beachfront houses and as they faced due East it had to be an
early start. The shots were taken just as the sun rose over the horizon
hence the long shadows.
Walked the entire length of the beach then back to the hotel for a full
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May 2024 -
"Bell Wood"
Sarah Curgenven |
The unusually warm, wet winter we have just experienced in England has
produced vibrant displays of Bluebells.
This month 's image is a painting with digital brushes on a photo taken
by my daughter during our walk in the Hampshire Woods on Good Friday,
when we spotted the rarer white flower amongst the sea of blue.
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April 2024 -
"Walmer Castle"
by the late Stephen Barrie |
during the reign of King Henry VIII, Walmer Castle is one of the most
fascinating visitor attractions in the South East. Originally designed
as part of a chain of coastal artillery defences it evolved into the
official residence of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.
The Duke of Wellington held the post for 23 years and enjoyed his time
spent at the castle and in recent years Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the
Queen Mother made regular visits to the castle.
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March 2024 -
"Pollinating Bee"
by Eric Hatch |
A bee heavily-laden with pollen, trying to find that one more bit
before heading back to the hive.
The real challenge with this shot was getting the bee in focus and not
getting stung -- this was shot from about 4 inches away!
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February 2024 -
"Winter Reflections"
by Taylor Baskin |
I stumbled onto this scene while doing some scouting in Yosemite during
my last visit. I was first drawn to the scene by the crisp
reflections of the snow covered trees in the distance. But as I
shot close ups of the banks, I noticed the clouds above starting to
turn orange in the late afternoon light.
I threw on my blue-n-gold filter to help really bring out those warm
tones and
took this wide angle view of the Mereced River and Yosemite's valley
walls. I only wish I could have fit all of the three rocks into my
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January 2024 -
"City Snow"
by John Daly |
City was first settled in 1849, during the California Gold Rush, as
Nevada (meaning "snow-covered", a reference to the snow-topped
mountains in the area). The Gold Tunnel on the north side of Deer Creek
was the city's first mine, being located in 1850.
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