from Michael about Raw Converter software
How to shoot raw and convert to the finished
picture and which software to do it with. Please use plain English and
also I am a pensioner with a limited budget with regards to the
software price.
Many thanks,
Answer -
Hello Michael,
Thanks for contacting
I hope my (Cornish) English is plain enough ?!?
Most cameras which can shoot RAW files
are supplied with software that provides some basic processing for the
camera's RAW images. Maybe there was a disk in the box for the camera
which you purchased which you could use? If not, I suggest you visit
your camera manufacturer's website or email them.
Each camera manufacturer has its own RAW format so
it's an unending requirement for companies like Adobe to keep their RAW
processing software up to date for the latest cameras. The advantage of
using software like that provided by Adobe is that it has considerably
more function. There is more explanation about RAW at -
Which to use? - It all depends on how much
refinement you want in your image processing.
If neither of the above suit you, you might try
visiting -
I've not used it but it's worth a look - I'd be
interested in your opinion if you do.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,

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