Question from Dawn about unexpected results -
I have been taking food photos for a few
months using a light box with daylight fluorescent bulbs and recently
the photos started coming out dark with the white background looking
I have adjusted the shutter speed and aperture to no avail.
In auto mode the flash doesn't come on and it looks like there is
plenty of light.
What is my problem? I suspected a loose nut behind the camera
but get the same results when someone else takes the photo. |
Answer -
Hello Dawn,
Thank you for contacting me. I assume you are using a digital camera?
There can be several reasons why you are not getting the results you
expect. Before we try to investigate your problem further, I suggest
you reset your camera to it's "
Settings" - on most cameras, these are usually to be found
via the Menu button.
If this does not resolve your problem, please contact me again and I'll
do what I can to help.
Best wishes,
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